Stasis Eczema


Stasis eczema is an itchy rash occurring on the lower legs of patients with inadequate venous drainage.


Affected individuals may have varicose veins or at some point had a clot in the deep veins of the leg(s). (Varicose veins by themselves can cause a similar, though milder, effect.)Clots in the deep veins of the calves and thighs (thrombosis or DVT) damage the valves, preventing efficient upward pumping of blood during walking. As a result, pressure develops and is reflected back to the capillaries where fluid produces a build up in the tissues.


The skin may feel hardened; this is known as lipodermatosclerosis (post-phlebitic syndrome). The leg(s) tend to swell due to the continuous back pressure, resulting in inflammation of the skin, eczema.





The leg affected by stasis eczema is usually swollen. The swelling is increased by prolonged standing and during hot weather. Stasis eczema can involve the whole circumference of the leg, or more commonly, in discrete patches.


The eczema appears as a flat, or slightly raised, red, scaly area which may ooze, crust over, and/or crack at times. These patches commonly become secondarily infected and are frequently itchy. Chronic rubbing will result in the thickening of the skin, thinning of the skin causing ulceration, pigmentation presentation, and subcutaneous tissue changes in the skin are all common side effects of stasis eczema.



Obtain specific treatment evaluation and advice from your dermatologist.

  • Reduce swelling in the leg(s).
    • Avoid too much time on your feet.
    • Elevate your feet as much as possible.