Patient Medication – Corticosteroids


Many of the symptoms of skin disease result from inflammation caused by the body’s immune system. Cortisone, manufactured naturally by the body’s adrenal glands and made synthetically, can reduce inflammation.



Prednisone is a steroid, one of the most effective anti-inflammatory drugs known. It is used to substantially reduce redness, scaling, itching, and edema associated with inflammatory skin disease(s). There is usually prompt temporary relief of most skin symptoms after initiation of treatment with prednisone.


Prednisone is usually given in a 10mg tablet size, started at a higher dose for several days and gradually tapered over a 1-3 week period. Prednisone tablets should be taken all at once and in the morning, as this closely mirrors what your body makes.


Side Effects – Short Term


Increased Appetite



Mood Changes


Weight Gain




Fluid Retention

Muscle Weakness


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Side Effects – Long Term Use of Steroids

Side effects include: cataracts, muscle weakness, avascular necrosis of bone, and osteoporosis.


Avascular necrosis of the bone is usually associated with prednisone use over long periods of time, but is very rarely seen when steroids are used for only a short time. This produces pain, abnormal bone scans, and an atypical X-ray appearance. This bone change occurs most often in the hips. To relieve pain, this disease will generally require a core bone biopsy, electrical stimulation, or total surgical joint replacement.


Steroids reduce calcium absorption through the gastrointestinal tract which can slowly lead to osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones. Osteoporosis can lead to bone fractures, especially compression fractures of the vertebrae, causing severe back pain. Taking calcium and other medications may help to prevent or slow down the process of osteoporosis.


Note: In general, there is a close relationship between the side effects of steroids and the dose and duration of their use. Meaning, a high dose of steroids given over a long period of time is more likely to cause side effects than a lower dosage given over a shorter period of time.


In conclusion, the decision to prescribe prednisone is not taken lightly by your physician. Corticosteroids are extremely beneficial and essential in certain instances to treat severe, extensive skin disease.