Boils are caused by an infection of the hair follicle, usually with the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Most people with boils are otherwise healthy and have good personal hygiene. A small number of people carry Staph aureus on the surface of the skin and in the nostrils. It is estimated that 10-20% of the population are Staph carriers. If persistent and severe infections occur, blood tests and screenings for anemia, white cell disturbance, diabetes, and low iron or antibodies are often recommended.
A typical boil on a hand
Staph is most commonly carried in the nostrils, armpits, between the legs, and in the cleft between the buttocks. It may be transferred to other sites from the nostrils via the finger nails.
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Tiny nicks, grazes, or rubbing against the skin can inoculate the Staph germ into the wall of a hair follicle. Once inoculated, the bacterium causes a boil, swelling and discomfort, which can run its usual course of about 10 days. Antibiotics cannot reach bacteria on the skin surface so a “skin cleansing regime” may be necessary to prevent multiple boils, by reducing the amount of bacteria on the skin surface as much as possible.
General tips to reduce spread include washing your whole body once a day with soap and water, and your hands whenever is appropriate. Also, you should not share towels or handkerchiefs with other family members. Do not pick your nose. Change clothes such as underwear and nightwear regularly. Maintain a healthy diet and take vitamin C daily.
Treatment regiments are unique to each patient so follow your dermatologist’s suggestions.